Note for Corporate Teams:
Want to cover the cost of registration for your employees and/or family members? You can request a coupon code to share and be billed after the event for registrations used. Contact for set-up assistance.
To find your team or individual race page, view Top "Fun"raisers and search for your team or individual page by name.
While signed into Run Sign Up, you can edit your page, change the fundraising goal, view scrolling list of donors, text, photos, and more. Be sure to share your page on social media to raise more funds in support of Hoosiers Outrun Cancer.
Watch for an e-mail after Sept 14th with a form to submit to share your pick-up preference.
Did you know you can view your team roster (and associated details like e-mail address and shirt size) directly from your team page? Here's how:
Need to connect with your team before the race? E-mail them directly from your team page? Here's how: